Hard Drive Disks

A hard drive (HDD) is a device in your computer that stores all of your files, such as pictures, videos, documents, and programs. It works by using spinning disks coated with magnetic material. The disks are read using a very small sensor attached to an arm which floats over the spinning disks, much like how a record player works with a vinyl record.
Your Deleted Files may Still be Accessible
When a file is deleted from a hard drive, the data is not immediately erased from the device. Instead, the computer marks the space where the file was stored as available for new data. Until new information overwrites that area, the deleted data remains on the drive and can be recovered with special software.
Hard Drives will Fail Over Time
The disks inside a hard drive spin very fast with some spinning 5,400 RPMs and others as fast as 7,200 RPMs. Because there are moving parts inside these devices, it is not a question as to "if" the device will fail, but "when" it will fail. Over time, these devices fail due to wear and tear, physical damage from bumps or drops, or even from electrical issues.
If you need help recovering your deleted data or data from a failing hard drive, give us a call or click here for a quote.